Announcements and Events

Prayer for Power and Safety

This powerful prayer will help clear away any dark energies, entities, or forces that may be in your aura and/or environment. Say it three times consecutively or until you feel a clearing of the negative energy around you. It is also a prayer of safety and can be said anytime during the day. It is advisable to say this prayer before your meditation and prayer time to clear and protect yourself.

 Prayer for Power and Safety (opens in new window)

Godess Galactica Fan Club

Join the Godess Galactica Fan Club and receive up to the minute important reports on Major Mystical and Cosmic Events that will greatly affect Earth and humanity. Plus other information that will assist us in this time of rapid change. E-mail for more information.

Spelling of Godess

When asked why Godess Galactica spells her name Godess with only one "d" she replied: "I have adjusted the mathematics of your english word "goddess" by removing one "d" to fit the vibrational frequency of who be I which is Godess."

Mazar's Clearing Service

Do you feel you may have an Attached Entity in your Aura or Energy Field? In February, 2003 we did an entire Godess Galactica Episode on Attached Entities.
Do you feel a negative Entity or Energy in your home?
In a Godess Galactica Episode in March, 2003 we discussed Dark Energies in buildings, objects, and in land.
Perhaps you or your living environment needs clearing.
Do you have an issue in your life you have been unable to resolve?

For more information about Dark Attached Entities and Dark Energies go to Mazar's Clearing Service. On the Home page is a list of symptoms one may be experiencing if suffering from an Attached Entity. Plus you will find information about Dark Energies, which can be found in buildings, in land, in water, etc. On the Services page, you will find information about Mazar's Spiritual Counseling Sessions.

Besides private Clearings and her Spiritual Counseling Sessions, Ms. Mazar offers a variety of workshops, which are also listed on the website.

Goddess Dance Group

Join us in prayer, toning, and dance as we uplift the Earth and Humanity while having fun! Interested Female Goddeses can email gdg [at] for more information.

Articles By Foxy Katarinah Mazar
Producer of the Godess Galactica Show